Apartments Application for Tenancy

Please note that the apartments are non-smoking, no-pet units.
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  • LocationTelephoneHow long resident there? 
  • NameTelephone 
  • If you have rented before, please list at least two former property owners, beginning with the most recent.
    *If you have no previous tenancy record, or are under the age of majority, you may be required to provide a co-signer.
    WE WILL BE CONTACTING THESE REFERENCES – Please ensure your references are aware.
    Owner/ManagerLocationFrom Month/YearTo Month/YearTelephone 
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  • If you have never rented before, please list the names of two persons (other than relatives) who are personally knowledgeable of your suitability and reliability as a prospective tenant. Please list at least one local reference, if possible.
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  • If you are employed, please list the current employer(s) of all persons who will be occupying the apartment. OR, if unemployed, list your source(s) of income.
    Employer or Source of IncomeContactTelephoneFrom Month/YearTo Month/YearMonthly Income 
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  • NameRelationship to youTelephone 
  • First 3 in order of preference. We will do our best to match applicants to their preferred unit following the lottery, however we cannot guarantee applicants will be offered the unit or units they prefer.
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    I/We understand that smoking is not permitted in the apartments.

    I/We Understand that pets are not permitted in the apartments.

    I/We understand that obtaining tenant’s insurance is a requirement of residency in the apartments.

    I/We understand that I will be required to provide a notarized statutory declaration that our gross household income is under $78,800 per year.

    I/We hereby declare that the foregoing information is true and complete.

    I/We understand that any false information may result in the refusal of my/our application.

    I/We hereby consent to providing proof of income, obtaining tenant insurance, signing a one-year lease, and abiding by the rental policy.