Category Archives: Rental Housing

information about rental housing in Dawson City

Survey Results Complete

The results of our three highly successful Spring surveys are now complete. Thank you to all the residents, households and businesses that took part. Your thoughts are valuable to us and will be key to our ongoing initiatives. The final reports include the analysis and findings and can be found by following the link below:

Spring Survey Results

We have revised our Strategic Plan to reflect what we have learned and integrated the recommended next steps. An operational work plan for the 2011-12 year has been prepared and we are working with our funding partners to move forward.

KDO Housing Information Fair

Finding it hard to find a place to live? Thinking about buying or building your own place? If you don’t know where to start, or want some information on how to get there, come out to the HOUSING INFORMATION FAIR Tuesday, March 29th. Representatives from Yukon Housing Corporation, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, CIBC Bank, the City of Dawson as well as many local contractors and real estate professionals will be available to answer your questions and provide you with the information you need to begin your journey to home ownership.

The Klondike Development Organization has finished conducting housing demand surveys, and the results are in! We will be sharing those results at the Housing Information Fair. The Fair gets started at noon and runs until 7pm at the Downtown Hotel in the Conference Room. At 5:30, there will be two short presentations by Yukon Housing Corporation and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

If you are interested in owning your home or gathering information on home ownership, this event is not to be missed!

The Klondike Development Organization presents the HOUSING INFORMATION FAIR Tuesday, March 29th from noon – 7pm at the Downtown Hotel Conference Room.

For more information, please email or

Our Vision and Mission

Klondike Development Organization is a partnership of City of Dawson, Dawson City Chamber of Commerce, Klondike Visitors Association and Dawson City Arts Society.  It envisions a resilient Klondike where highly engaged citizens, networks and organizations collaborate to build a sustainable economy.

It focuses multi-stakeholder collaboration on diversifying and strengthening the local economic base through pro-active strategies and services aimed at retaining and growing a healthy business base; increasing access to equity investment capital; strengthening economic and social sectors critical to the future of the Klondike; and addressing strategic gaps in services.