About KDO

Klondike Development Organization is a not-for-profit focused on Community Economic Development. We are a partnership of Chief Isaac Incorporated (the development corporation of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in), City of Dawson, Dawson City Arts Society, Dawson City Chamber of Commerce, and Klondike Visitors Association.

KDO Activities

One of KDO’s primary areas of focus has been to alleviate a major barrier to our community’s ability to thrive and develop: a shortage of rental housing. To that end, we’ve now built and operate two 8-unit rental apartment complexes.  A  6-plex project is now in pre-development.   All our housing operates on a cost-recovery, not-for-profit model and targets rent to an affordability niche between rent-geared-to-income (social housing) and private market housing.

In 2022 we completed installation of a 200 kW AC solar power farm that supplies the Yukon electrical grid, and contributes to offsetting our community’s carbon footprint through the production of renewable energy.  

KDO engages with partners to find solutions to local problems and then we work in tandem with other entities to move initiatives forward. We encourage investment in Dawson City, and deliver beneficial community projects  jointly funded by Yukon Government, Department of Economic Development, and the City of Dawson.

Our Vision

A resilient Klondike where highly engaged citizens, networks and organizations collaborate to build a sustainable economy.

Our Mission

To focus multi-stakeholder collaboration on diversifying and strengthening the local economic base through:

  • pro-active strategies and services aimed at retaining and growing a healthy population and business base
  • strengthening economic and social sectors critical to the future of the Klondike
  • addressing strategic gaps in services that foster the vitality, resilience and sustainability of our community
What is Community Economic Development?

The area of the economic development field in which we are able, grounded and actively working is that of Community Economic Development. Definitions for this vary; therefore, we find it useful for KDO to broadly adopt Simon Fraser University’s definition of Community Economic Development (CED):

“An inclusive and participatory process by which communities initiate and generate their own multiple bottom-line solutions to economic problems.” 

“Community economic developers focus on creating inclusive local economies, developing nourishing livelihood opportunities, building on local resources and capacities, increasing community control and ownership, enhancing the health of the environment, and encouraging community resilience.”